
ArcaneManagedFbx ArcaneManagedFbx



This is an incomplete C# wrapper for the Autodesk FBX SDK that is written in C++.

The library was originally intended for creating MonoGame "Content Processor" for importing, processing, and rendering FBX assets. Initially only a limited subset of functions and classes were intended to be supported or made available through CLR and .NET.

Written in C++/CLI, the DLL is intended to be used for interfacing with the C++ Autodesk FBX SDK, which is a collection of static libraries that are intended for loaded FBX assets within a native application. The FBX file format is proprietary and supported by Autodesk.


Find below a (very old) sample code snippet of what can be done with it.

        public void Load()

            LogMessage("Instantiating the FBX Manager...");
            FBXManager managerInstance = ArcManagedFBX.FBXManager.Create();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The file that is being loaded in does not exist!");

            if (!File.Exists(Filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The file that is being loaded was not found on disk.");

            LogMessage("Instantiating the FBX Settings...");
            FBXIOSettings settings = FBXIOSettings.Create(managerInstance, "IOSRoot");

            LogMessage("Loading plugins directory...");
            managerInstance.LoadPluginsDirectory(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "");

            int fileMajorNumber = 0, fileMinorNumber = 0, fileRevisionNumber = 0;

            LogMessage("Instantiating the Scene...");

            FBXScene scene = FBXScene.Create(managerInstance, "My Scene");
            FBXImporter importer = FBXImporter.Create(managerInstance, "");

            // Instantiate the framework for the scene as required.
            m_SceneFramework = new SceneFramework(scene);

            LogMessage("Load the importer for the file '{0}'",Filename);
            bool initializeResult = importer.Initialize(Filename, -1, managerInstance.GetIOSettings());
            FBXManager.GetFileFormatVersion(ref fileMajorNumber,ref fileMinorNumber,ref fileRevisionNumber);

            bool importResult = importer.Import(scene);


            if (importResult)
                LogError("Import failed. Nothing to do!");

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